Promoting Educational
and Clinical Activities
The Western world led by United States has made dramatic strides in Medical and Mental health care, prevention and treatment.
While the allopathic medicine can palliate the symptoms of many illnesses, the cause and the cure remain elusive. The East led by India offers the ancient wisdom and healing traditions that attend not only to the body and the mind but also the soul and the spiritual dimension of health, healing and wholeness. This compensates for the lopsidedness of the Western medical and mental health healing practices. However, for a long time, we were missing a bridge between these two frameworks to communicate and collaborate. Swiss Psychiatrist Carl Gustav Jung’s discoveries in Analytical Psychology finally offer a bridge and a common language between these two universes.
The USA India Jung Foundation will promote educational and clinical activities in India and USA based on the principals of Carl Jung's analytical psychology and Eastern spiritual and healing wisdom and traditions. It will foster clinical, medical, and educational exchange between professionals of the United States and India. These activities will include educational activities directed both to professional and lay organizations in both countries to promote mental health education and prevention activities based on principals of analytical psychology and Eastern Spirituality.
About the USA-INDIA
Jung Foundation
The Western world led by United States has made dramatic strides in Medical and Mental health care, prevention and treatment.
While the allopathic medicine can palliate the symptoms of many illnesses, the cause and the cure remain elusive. The East led by India offers the ancient wisdom and healing traditions that attend not only to the body and the mind but also the soul and the spiritual dimension of health, healing and wholeness. This compensates for the lopsidedness of the Western medical and mental health healing practices. However, for a long time, we were missing a bridge between these two frameworks to communicate and collaborate. Swiss Psychiatrist Carl Gustav Jung’s discoveries in Analytical Psychology finally offer a bridge and a common language between these two universes.
With the Rosetta stone of Carl Jung’s analytical psychology, we can translate the wisdom East and knowledge of the West available to public, patient and practitioners on both sides. This collaboration can expand our understanding to a higher level of consciousness, which can potentially benefit the rest us. The USA India Jung Foundation will promote educational and clinical activities in India and USA based on the principals of Carl Jung's analytical psychology and Eastern spiritual and healing wisdom and traditions. It will foster clinical, medical, and educational exchange between professionals of the United States and India. These activities will include educational activities directed both to professional and lay organizations in both countries to promote mental health education and prevention activities based on principals of analytical psychology and Eastern Spirituality.

History of the USA-INDIA
Jung Foundation
The founding member of the foundation, Ashok Bedi, M.D., is a psychiatrist, and a Jungian psychoanalyst who his medical schooling in India, his psychiatric training in Great Britain and his Jungian analytical training in Chicago, USA.
He now practices and teaches in Milwaukee. His experiences in both the East and the West convinced him of the value of integrating the two frames of references to optimize the understanding of the human psyche and optimizing the treatment of individuals struggling with medical and psychiatric problems, relationship tangles, complexes or hang ups and various maladies of the soul.
Synchronistically he was invited by the leadership of the International Association of Analytical Psychologists (www.iaap.org), the world’s parent organization of Jungian analysts to become the liaison person of the IAAP to take the lead in developing the Jungian training and treatment centers in India. Over the last several years, he has traveled to India annually to establish these centers with the support and guidance of the IAAP, the volunteer international faculty of Jungian analysts and Indian mental health professionals at various centers in India. Presently, there are two regional Jungian centers in India under the auspices of the IAAP including centers at Ahmedabad and Bangalore. Kusum Dhar Prabhu is the president of the All India Association of Analytical Psychologists and has devoted her time, energy and talents at the Indian end of the spectrum. The plan of the USA India Jung Foundation is to support the initiatives of the IAAP in India. But this is the tip of the iceberg and many possibilities of collaboration between the Jungian community and Indian matrix exist to enrich both ends of the spectrum in a shared creative endeavor. The foundation will explore and support such initiatives. The founding member of the foundation Ashok Bedi is grateful for the support of Siddhartha Bedi and Usha Bedi, who have graciously and generously volunteered their time, talent and energies to support the formation and functioning of the USA India Jung foundation.